Shopping Centre Curno

The Curno Shopping Centre has been the area's reference point for shopping since 1991. It has 88 shops, 21 restaurants, a car park with 2,300 parking spaces and a Gross Lettable Area of 39,113 square metres, of which 18,195 of GLA Hyper and 20,918 of GLA Gallery. Every year it is visited by more than 6 million people.

In 2022, after more than 30 years of operation, the air conditioning and air renewal systems were completely revamped to make them more efficient and improve indoor air quality.

The solution

In 1991, Clivet had already supplied some of the units serving the centre and, considering the positive experience, the choice fell entirely on Clivet systems when upgrading the systems.

The following systems were installed:
- 26 rooftop SMARTPACK2 and CLIVETPack² air-to-air heat pumps equipped with inverter technology, thermodynamic recovery on the exhaust air, high-efficiency filters and UV-C lamps with germicidal effect, which heat, cool, renew and purify the air.
- 7 high-efficiency VRF MV6-XMi and 2 mini VRF MSAN6-XMi systems all equipped with inverter technology 
- 14 indoor units for VRF and Mini-VRF systems  

Thanks to the new systems, the centre offers its customers comfort and clean air all year round, confirming once again that it is the place to meet, relax, and have fun with friends or the whole family. 
Operating costs have also been reduced for total comfort that is not only environmentally but also economically sustainable.

Installed units

  • 6 rooftop SMARTPACK2 CKN-XHE2 air-to-air heat pumps 
  • 20 rooftop air-to-air heat pumps for high crowding CLIVETPack² CSRN-XHE2
  • 7 VRF MV6-XMi outdoor units 
  • 2 VRF MSAN6-XMi mini outdoor units
  • 14 VRF CN-2-XMi indoor units

The protagonists

  • Ownership: Consortium of Cuno Shopping Centre Owners
  • Plant design: 3Energy s.r.l.
  • Plant realisation: Bouygues E&S Italia s.p.a.
  • Clivet Agencies: Pieracci Agency, Milan - Colgas Agency, Civitanova Marche - Macerata