Air conditioning for sport

The Douera Sportpark Stadium consists of a 40,000 spectators stadium, arena and sports centre in Douéra on the periphery of Algiers, Algeria. The building will be inaugurated in July.

The cooling, heating and indoor air renewal of this building has been entrusted to Clivet hydronic systems, which has supplied 18 AQX air handling units (14 with supply only without recovery and 4 for air renewal with plate recovery) with air flow rates from 3000 to 28000m3/h served by 3 Spinchiller3 multiscroll aircooled chillers.

Air distribution is via insulated ducting.

Douera Sportpark Stadium plants

Clivet units installed:

Clivet units installed:
18 AQX air handling units (sizes 6 to 23)
3 SPINChiller3 WSAT-XSC3 300.6  air-water chillers

The protagonists:

Supplier: Clivet Middle East