In 2023 the company expanded with the construction of a new paint shop, entrusting Clivet rooftop systems with the task of guaranteeing the right temperature and air quality all year round.
6 CLIVETPack² CSRN- XHE2 rooftop heat pumps with THOR thermodynamic recovery, supply clean air at the right temperature into the hall all year round, recovering the energy contained in the expelled air and compensating the air extracted by the extractor hoods to ensure the health and comfort of the employees.
Adaptation of operation to actual needs through multi-scroll technology, and THOR thermodynamic recovery, guarantee high efficiencies all year round, contributing to the company's sustainability both energetically and economically.
The protagonists
Clivet Agency: Tecnodelta
Installer: Norton SRL Maranello Modena
Designer: Bucciarelli Engigneering Sassuolo Modena
Property: Zanasi Group
Clivet units installed
6 Rooftop type heat pumps CSRN-XHE2 110.4