Breast cancer screening doubles at Clivet

From 17 to 20 June, Clivet provided its employees with free breast screening for the prevention of cancer. This is the second time the company has offered this service, with many more participants on this occasion.

In 2022, around 70 employees took up the offer, but this year numbers more than doubled with over 150 employees undergoing screening. The Welfarecare mobile clinic was stationed in the Clivet courtyard for 2 days in 2022, but this time it remained there for 4 days (17-18-19 and 20 June), performing digital mammograms and scans complete with reports, using state-of-the-art equipment. 

As Stefano Bellò, CEO of Clivet SpA, explained: "A lack of awareness about prevention, together with a lack of time and the various costs, often lead people to neglect or postpone these very important checks. The health and well-being of our employees is a fundamental basis for building a positive climate within the company. That is why we wanted to offer all the women working at Clivet the opportunity to undergo free breast cancer screening again this year, without them needing to take any time off work."